Alright, so here we go.
It's 9:40 on a Thursday. And I haven't started my homework. So of course I'm writing a blog post instead of doing my homework. Makes logical sense. But honestly, this blog isn't about what I do here, in Lawrence. It isn't about the gobs of homework I've been drowning in since school started. It's about something far more interesting (at least I hope so). In 5 months and 3 days I will board a plane. I will step off that plane and onto UK territory. For four months, I will be attending school 4224 miles away from the chair I am sitting in right now. This blog will tell my tale as I experience England as a student, no longer a teenager, who is up for just about anything. In the mean time, I have A LOT of work to do. There are essays to write, classes to pick, transportation to be organized. But we'll go over that a little later. But for a pretty lame story, check out this vid on walmart and monster trucks. Because those two things always go together so well.
Your Monster Truck towing expert,
Haha, I'm glad instead of doing homework you spent your time writing a blog, Google mapping, and YouTubing. Classic CJ.