An e-mail I received yesterday:
Dear Jessica,
We have now received your supporting documentation, and are very pleased to inform you that you have been accepted onto the University of Leeds Study Abroad Programme . An acceptance letter has been sent to you today together with a general welcome pack...
So I've officially been accepted into the University of Leeds...aka, I'm officially going to England. The e-mail also included a link to housing, and I'm not going to lie, I'm rather excited. Check it out: Instead of paying attention to the nonsense my C++ teacher yammered on about, I was checking out where I could be living next year. There's an international housing option, but I'm thinking that's not the direction I want to go in. I think it'd be kinda nice to be the token American on my floor. I mean, who wouldn't want to be?
In addition, I got some important dates. First of all, I have to be there by January 19th. That's 77 days. Or 2 months and 16 days. Its boggling my mind that in 2 and half months I will leave the US for 4 months. FOUR MONTHS. The 19th to the 21st will be orientation days. I'm hoping its not some awkward you-are-all-foreign-so-let's-shove-you-in-a-room-together type of deal. Honestly, I'm not so sure I want to make a lot of American friends. I think this experience is more about the people from other countries I meet and how they can open me up to a lot of different perspectives and viewpoints. At least, that's what all my scholarship essays say.
The more I think about it, though, the more I keep imagining what it'll be like. But I kind of don't want to think about what my time there is going to be like. Its going to be amazing, no matter what, but the more I dream, the more I may disappoint myself if there's something I don't get to do. I think I gotta just roll with the flow and let my experiences take me where they want to. We'll see what happens, and, maybe unfortunately for you, I'll make sure to write about all the crazy adventures I encounter. But for now, I'll just keep rolling with the flow of things and stop trying to determine exactly what may come.
The Potential Token American,
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