My partner, Staci, and I created Rockreaction, a climbing center. Its basically like if the city museum and a rocking climbing were to fall and love and have it baby, this would be their baby. This is the front of our project. Yes, those are two different types of clay kneaded together, then thinned out, and glued to wire mesh that I had sculpted. My fingers do not thank me.
Here are our drawings for our project with our big model. Kinda wonderful, I know.
Here is the interior of our building. The left corner is the interior rock wall, and the back side is where the city-museum-esque activites go down.
So that's basically what I've been up to in the past 42098235082451 hours. On Friday while in studio, I did find out Jason Mraz was coming to KU for a surprise concert 10 minutes before the concert started. It was pretty damn awesome, if I do say so myself.
In terms of England/Europe stuff, the only update I have is on my potential spring break plans. As it stands right now, my parents will be coming up during my 1st week or so, meet me in Milan, Italy, and we will go to Bologna, Italy. In case you don't know where that is, here's a map: Bologna, Italy Map. From there we'll fly to Athens, Greece, spend about two days there, and then go back to Bologna. From Bologna, we can go just about anywhere in Italy where we want via train. Hopefully after my parents depart, I'll meet up with some people and go to Spain and Portugal via train. On the way back from places like Barcelona and Madrid, I can hit some other places in Europe since I'll be on the train. I will make a stop in Paris, no matter what. Its too beautiful not to see.
Finally, I have 7, yes 7, days left at KU before I won't return for another 8 months. Honestly, I still have the mindset I'm coming back next semester and every time I remember I'm not, I get butterflies and extraordinarily nervous. 40 days I'm in the St. Louis airport leaving the US for 5 months. Now my stomach is churning up a storm. Wonderful. I'm wondering if its actually going to hit me I'm leaving for so long, or if I'm going to step off the plane on the 19th and say to myself, "Oh, so this is real." I'm starting to really think the latter. Which I kind of wish wasn't so true. There's nothing I can do about it, I guess. Well, off to dinner and my last C++ project of fun (really, I just LOOOOOVE C++.......).
Now Officially A Professional Clay Rock Builder,
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